Organized Play
The following are the end dates for the 2024 organized play season:
Monday Co-ed-September 23
Tuesday Novice- September 24
Tuesday Mixer- September 24
Wednesday Ladies Advanced- September 25
Wednesday Ladies Intermediate- End of October
Wednesday Ladies evening-September 25
Thursday Men's day-September 26
Thursday Men's evening-September 26
Friday Intermediate co-ed-September 27
Saturday 8:30 Advanced-October 19
Saturday 10:30- End of October.
Weekly Organized Play
Organized Play registration is now done using PCNS. Registration opens every Saturday at 7:00 pm. In order to register for any of the events listed on this page please click on the REGISTER NOW button.
If you need to withdraw from an event please do this yourself instead of emailing the event manager. Please see the information on how to register and/or withdraw below:
How To Register For An Event(s)
NOTE: We are using the Pickleball Canada Registration system. Therefore you will need to use the same name and email address that you would have used when you registered for your WKPC membership.
If you don't like to read instructions you can watch the video at the below this section instead of reading the instructions below.
Click on the REGISTER NOW button at the top of this page and enter your Pickleball Canada login information.
After you have logged in you can fill in your contact information. NOTE: You MUST use the email address associated with your Pickleball Canada account, failure to do so will result in the inability for you to access your registrations in case you need to withdraw or confirm that you are registered.
Select the events(s) that you want to play (yes you can register for multiple events at the same time by clicking on the various events.)
You will be required to review your information before confirming your registration. NOTE: if there is no room on any given date, this will be highlighted in the final step of the registration and your name will be placed on a waitlist. You will receive a separate email if space becomes available for your waitlisted event(s) You must complete the registration in step 2 in order to be placed on the waitlist so don't quit mid-process.
After confirming your registration you will receive an email confirmation from Pickleball Canada.
The organizer(s) of your event will contact you with more details if required.
You can watch the video below if you want to see a step-by-step demonstration of the registration process

How To Withdraw from An Event(s)
If you need to withdraw from an event please do the following:
Login into your Pickleball Canada account HERE (FYI - this is the same website and same login information that you would have used to join the WKPC)
Navigate to "My Registrations"
Select "WKPC Weekly Organized Play 2024" then click on the X and find the date(s) that you need to withdraw from. IF you can't find the event that you want to withdraw from, then you might have registered with a different email address than the one that is associated with your Pickleball Canada account. If this is the case you will need to contact the event organizer directly.
The rest should be obvious
You can watch a video example on how to withdraw below:

Weekly Organized Events
NOTE: The details below are subject to change and will be updated here if/when they do
Monday Events
Monday morning Coed Partner Play
round robin play based on skill levels
2 sessions:
8:00 - 9:30 ADVANCED (skill level 3.6 and higher)
9:30 - 11:00 INTERMEDIATE (skill level 3.25 - 3.59)
sign up as a team (keep your partner for the entire session)
capped at 10 teams (20 players) per session
scores will be recorded and your results will have an impact on your future pool placement
you may play with a different partner each week
only one player per team should register for this event
contact Carol Sykes( ) or Sue Jones ( for more information
Coaching Your Way
Mondays at 5:30 pm
Designed for players who are looking to improve their game
all skill levels
pickleball machine available upon request (email Van or James see below)
contact Van McPhail at or James Chivers-Wilson at
Tuesday Events
Tuesday Novice/Intermediate Round Robin
play begins promptly at 8:30 am
skill level 2.75 - 3.25
capped at 10
Round robin format
contact Marilyn Shand at for more information
Tuesday Evening Advanced Social Mixer
play begins promptly at 6:30 pm
skill level 3.75 and above
capped at 32
Scores will not be recorded
Round robin format
contact Irma Milsom at for more information
Wednesday Events
Ladies' Day
3 sessions
7:00 - 8:30 am ~ Intermediate play ~ skill level 3.0-3.74 ~ capped at 10 players on 2 courts (courts 6-7) ~ for more info contact Roxane Nicholas at or Brenda Olson at
8:30 - 10:00 am Intermediate play ~ skill level 3.0-3.74 ~ capped at 20 players on 4 courts (courts 6-9) ~ for more info contact Roxane Nicholas at or Brenda Olson at
10:00 - 11:30 am Advanced play ~ skill level 3.75-4.5+ ~ capped at 15 players on 3 courts (courts 6-8) ~ for more info contact Una Magas at
the two intermediate sessions will be managed as seperate events, however if one session is full the wait listed players will be given the opportunity to change sessions in order to secure a spot to participate
round robin play format
scores may be recorded for results on future pool placement
For any other questions contact Steph Fullerton at
Ladies' Evening
play begins promptly at 6:00 pm
all skill levels
capped at 20
random matchups
scores will not be recorded
contact Tina Herman at for more information
Thursday Events
Thursday Morning Men's Day
play begins promptly at 8:30/10:00 am
all skill levels for both sessions
capped at 20 per session
round robin play
scores will be recorded and your results may impact future pool placement
contact Blair Morton at for more information
Thursday Evening Men’s Night
play begins promptly at 6:00 pm
round robin play
capped at 24
scores will not be recorded
Contact Jared Enns at for more information
Friday Events
Intermediate Coed Round Robin Play
play begins promptly at 8:00/9:45 am - the organizer will let you know time of game play
skill levels 3.00 - 3.50
May be some 8 person RR’s
sign up individually and you will be placed into a group for that morning
capped at 16 per session
scores will be recorded so as to have relatively even groups
contact Marilyn Shand at for more information
Friday 4.0+ Coed Scramble
Play begins at 9:00am at the Shannon Lake courts. Here is the address
Entry is limited to players who have played in a tournament at the 4.0 level OR players who have been invited to play in this group by someone who has played in a tournament at the 4.0 level
Capped at 20 players
We will use an app to scramble the matchups after each game
Scores will not be recorded
Contact Ed Stuerle at
Saturday Events
Advanced Mixed Competitive Play - 8:30 am session
Play begins promptly at 8:30 AM
4.0+ skill levels
capped at 16 players per session
random matchups
scores will not be recorded
contact Jared Enns at for more information
Advanced Mixed Competitive Play - 10:30 am session
Play begins promptly at 10:30 AM
4.0+ skill levels
capped at 16 players per session
random matchups
scores will not be recorded
contact Colin McCartie at for more information
Drop In Play
We have drop in play daily. Please watch this video or read the procedures below: